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2015.02.28 12:47

2015. 2월 인도 델리(통하오킵 선교사) 선교편지

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 게시글 수정 내역 댓글로 가기 인쇄


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 게시글 수정 내역 댓글로 가기 인쇄

                      2015. 2월 < 2 인도 +  4 델리 목장 후원>


To Rev.

NPWM, Seoul, Korea

From Rev. Tong Haokip

Delhi, India.



1.       The youth camp held during 6-9 Feb.2015 in North Manipur was a great success. The Lord deeply touched many of the campers and other mature church members. The campers were about 260. About 50-60 Camp last year was held young people and about 80-90 children gave their life to Christ. Praise the Lord.

2.       The much awaited Mission Conference of the Evangelical Churches Association held from 12th-15th Feb. was concluded with a real visitation of God by the Holy Spirit. Many of the participants were convinced that the fire of Revival has begun. There were about 11,000+ participants. God mightily moved His people. The Lord use me to deliver His words to the people. Still today, people are talking about the messages through which God spoke to them.

3.       The retreat/Follow-up of the Women’s Camp conducted in 2014 was held from 20th-22th Feb.2015. It was a very fruitful time. The time I spent with a blind old man was a memorable one. This old man has been praying for 18 countries at 3 o’clock every day. He is blind but he could see countries ready (ripe) for harvest. He prayed for me and I also prayed for Him.

4.       I also visited a Home where they keep HIV patients- about 40 children and about 40 adults. My heart cried and wept for these people. The pastor who runs this home said to me that many children have died in this home. These tiny children have no fault of their own, but they are harvesting the sins of their parents who have already died. What a sad and pitiful sight to see them walking, playing before you. O God! What a sad world we are living in. All because of disobedience to your Law.


1.       As a result of the mission Conference, I wanted to start a living, vibrant church in the heart of Churachandpur town.  I believe this will shake the very foundation of the strongholds of Satan in the lives of the people.  Churachandpur, though small is a well known place in the world-map of HIV and AIDS in the world. Drugs are prevalent.  The church I wanted to start will conduct weekly Bible study, counseling and prayer and a lively worship on Sunday. The primary focus will be the youths and growing up children.

2.       I have found a place in the heart of the town where to build the Church. The owner of the building allowed me to build the church without any rent. A Temporary church building with plastic chairs will cost about Rs. 5,00,000. Please, pray for this need.

3.       We are waiting for financial resources from the Lord to start the Children Home building in Manipur. We prayed with Pastor KIM (NPWM) who visited Manipur, in the place we are planning to construct the building.

4.       Please pray for me as I am planning to visit villages and mission fields in Manipur and outside Manipur like Assam, Arunachal, West Bengal, etc. as a follow-up of our mission conference. So many works to be done before the Lord comes back to take us to heaven-our eternal home.

5.       Please pray for a Mission week program in a Baptist chuch in Imphal-the capital of Manipur from 7th-9th March, 2015 and a Youth camp in another place in Imphal from 12th-15th March.

6.       I am going back to Delhi on the 16th March as my wife Kim and my son Joshua have their birthday on the same day, 17th March.

7.       Pray for our children in Manipur and in Delhi. They are having their exams.


The joy of dreaming to see many people in the presence of the Lord in eternity compels me to share the Good News –though difficult sometimes to leave your children and wife for months. I am excited to meet my family on 16th March. How much I will be excited then to meet my Savior on that big DAY. What a joy it will be.

